For Example:
"Do you understand?" (expecting a yes)
People do that to me waaay to often! Maybe it's because I speak quietly and they just don't hear me so they just assume (don't assume, it makes an ass out of u and me :D I love that, I always giggle whenever teachers say it) what I was going to say.

Anyway! I've been reading The Vampire Diaries lately and I love it. Like, so freaking much I want to explode. More than Twilight, more than any other book I've read. And I know, I know, it's not even that well written.
Yeah? Well it seems a whole lot better when you read it while watching it on TV. Then you've got hot damon (he's so fierce) and you can see how he secretly totz loves Elena and he's all sensitive and stuff...
I don't think they want me to like him better than Stefan (they being whoever wrote the book and the directer of the TV series)
In the book he's kinda a...jerk. Unreliable, always killing people and turning into crows or whatever. Fairly similar to on the show (minus the crow part, which really bums me out) Except he has these glances at Elena and he actually smiled sometimes, yet the focus isn't on the don't know if they're trying to trick me or if they want me to hate him.
I don't know how I could hate him. If I was a vamp and could turn off my guilt, I would totally be off killing people and/or messing with their minds. *quietly mutters* that'll teach 'em.
But I'm not. Alas, I must live out my dreams through fictional characters.
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