I always wonder this...if you're not outside, what do you do? I read fanfiction, but seriously, there is only so much fic one person can read. Sure, people have hobbies or whatever, but you can't possibly do those all the freakin time, can you?
If I'm not reading fanfic I'll most likely be learning something new (trying to learn to sew right now!) or watching hilarious youtube videos (or True Blood). What do you do other than that?! I know most people don't do these things (Pfft, learn stuff? What's that?), so...what do you do?
Also when I'm bored, I clean stuff. Fish tanks, occasionally dishes, I'll wash clothes, etc.
I am seriously confused by this...
Sunday, October 24, 2010
Saturday, October 23, 2010
Why do they make washers and dryers the same size, but they have different load capacities?
Makes no sense! And is very annoying. Maybe it's just my washer and dryer, one is 7kg and the other is 3.5kg, so I have to do two loads of drying for each washing. Frustrating!
I'm thinking I'll just write about things that make no sense or annoy me, now...
Makeup products that have skin coloured packaging, but don't necessarily have the same colour on the outside as in the actual tube. Garghh! You make things so unnecessarily difficult!
Freaking iTunes! You have pissed me off so much in the past few days. It keeps asking me for authorisation to put True Blood on my iPad and then I put it in, it's all like "already authorised, 3 of 5 computer are now authorised with this account blah blah blah" and then I try to sync again and it's all "You need to authorise this account". Rawgin flargin! (When I'm extra mad, I tend to make angry noises, they may not seem like normal angry noises)
My fish deciding to eat each other for no friggin' reason. Why? I feed you often, I even buy the fancy "made for cichlids" expensive shizz. Your tank is clean, pH, alkaline, nitrate, nitrite, whatever are all good. Yet you insist on killing each other and making me scoop out the remains. Sometime I hate you, even though you're so pretty to look at.
Ignorant people. Or more specifically, people that think they know shit, but they don't know anything. At all. Ever. People that think they know more than you about something like hair or makeup because they wear makeup or they straighten their hair everyday and think it looks good. You are wrong people! You know nothing.
Leaving the lights on and wasting of electricity/resources. This is kinda hypocritical here. I have been known to buy lots of shit (but I use that shit!), but this really erks me. What's with all the packaging, guys? Do you really need aaaalll that plastic? Sure you couldn't recycle it?
People that liked something a few months ago, but now they don't like it because "everyone else likes it." What? Wouldn't you want other people to like the same stuff as you? Yeah, I get that you wouldn't go around telling people you love Twilight now that it is considered "sparkly and gay" (although I still do on the internets). But that doesn't mean you have to stop liking it and say you hate it if someone were to ask you. What is wrong with you? Can't you just like something and live with it?
Gotta-be-better-than-you people.
Random friend: So...what are you wearing to the nondescript party?
Me: Oh, yeah, this shirt I got at...that store.
Random friend: That shirt? I bought that one like a million years ago.
Me: *sad face*
Paranoia. Not the movie/band/anything else it could possibly be because it evokes a reaction in people.
I don't like being a crazy paranoid person. Sure, it keeps me safe (mostly), but about 99% of the time it is completely useless, other than the making me all twitchy and weird. I'm home alone right now (and a little more than pissy) and I keep glancing up from my bed at the window/door thingys outside my open door, and because I can see a reflection, I always freak out a little bit when I see my face all reflecty and see-throughish.
Not knowing what to say if people compliment me. Do you say thanks and that's it? What do you do?! Someone please tell me!
I think I have enough annoying things here, even though they're mainly about people...and fish...
Anywho! ...see you guys on the flip side?
I'm thinking I'll just write about things that make no sense or annoy me, now...
Makeup products that have skin coloured packaging, but don't necessarily have the same colour on the outside as in the actual tube. Garghh! You make things so unnecessarily difficult!
Freaking iTunes! You have pissed me off so much in the past few days. It keeps asking me for authorisation to put True Blood on my iPad and then I put it in, it's all like "already authorised, 3 of 5 computer are now authorised with this account blah blah blah" and then I try to sync again and it's all "You need to authorise this account". Rawgin flargin! (When I'm extra mad, I tend to make angry noises, they may not seem like normal angry noises)
My fish deciding to eat each other for no friggin' reason. Why? I feed you often, I even buy the fancy "made for cichlids" expensive shizz. Your tank is clean, pH, alkaline, nitrate, nitrite, whatever are all good. Yet you insist on killing each other and making me scoop out the remains. Sometime I hate you, even though you're so pretty to look at.
Ignorant people. Or more specifically, people that think they know shit, but they don't know anything. At all. Ever. People that think they know more than you about something like hair or makeup because they wear makeup or they straighten their hair everyday and think it looks good. You are wrong people! You know nothing.
Leaving the lights on and wasting of electricity/resources. This is kinda hypocritical here. I have been known to buy lots of shit (but I use that shit!), but this really erks me. What's with all the packaging, guys? Do you really need aaaalll that plastic? Sure you couldn't recycle it?
People that liked something a few months ago, but now they don't like it because "everyone else likes it." What? Wouldn't you want other people to like the same stuff as you? Yeah, I get that you wouldn't go around telling people you love Twilight now that it is considered "sparkly and gay" (although I still do on the internets). But that doesn't mean you have to stop liking it and say you hate it if someone were to ask you. What is wrong with you? Can't you just like something and live with it?
Gotta-be-better-than-you people.
Random friend: So...what are you wearing to the nondescript party?
Me: Oh, yeah, this shirt I got at...that store.
Random friend: That shirt? I bought that one like a million years ago.
Me: *sad face*
Paranoia. Not the movie/band/anything else it could possibly be because it evokes a reaction in people.
I don't like being a crazy paranoid person. Sure, it keeps me safe (mostly), but about 99% of the time it is completely useless, other than the making me all twitchy and weird. I'm home alone right now (and a little more than pissy) and I keep glancing up from my bed at the window/door thingys outside my open door, and because I can see a reflection, I always freak out a little bit when I see my face all reflecty and see-throughish.
Not knowing what to say if people compliment me. Do you say thanks and that's it? What do you do?! Someone please tell me!
I think I have enough annoying things here, even though they're mainly about people...and fish...
Anywho! ...see you guys on the flip side?
Tuesday, October 19, 2010
Alcoholic monkeys?
I love how the have the end shot of one of the monkeys trippin' and rolling around on the ground.
How to not lay low on Mafia II
1. If you have the option, always steal a cop car
2. Wave your firearms around often and always
3. Talk loudly about bacon and possible drug dealings
4. Crash into cars aaaallll the time
5. Also crash into cop cars, it takes them ages to do a U-turn anyway
6. Drive in reverse
7. Drive through the park
8. Keep the same clothes and car after you've been profiled by the police
9. Run people down as often as possible (especially when the coppers are around)
10. Drive in a "disorderly fashion"
11. Get the police to think you're so dangerous that they've "gotta take 'im down"
12. Resist arrest
13. Stop wearing hats
14. Wail on pedestrians at every possible opportunity
15. Don't die, that makes it very difficult to not lay low
What's the deal with all the dirty magazines, like, everywhere? I don't see the point of them, other than me yelling "Wooh!" whenever they come on screen...Is that just me?
I like how the main guy's bed is two singles pushed together, very classy.
I suggest all Mafia II players should change their licence plates to "MO-FOX"* It's what all the cool kids are doing
*"MO-FOX" has no real meaning other than the X is right before the nothing space and foxes are cool.
2. Wave your firearms around often and always
3. Talk loudly about bacon and possible drug dealings
4. Crash into cars aaaallll the time
5. Also crash into cop cars, it takes them ages to do a U-turn anyway
6. Drive in reverse
7. Drive through the park
8. Keep the same clothes and car after you've been profiled by the police
9. Run people down as often as possible (especially when the coppers are around)
10. Drive in a "disorderly fashion"
11. Get the police to think you're so dangerous that they've "gotta take 'im down"
12. Resist arrest
13. Stop wearing hats
14. Wail on pedestrians at every possible opportunity
15. Don't die, that makes it very difficult to not lay low
What's the deal with all the dirty magazines, like, everywhere? I don't see the point of them, other than me yelling "Wooh!" whenever they come on screen...Is that just me?
I like how the main guy's bed is two singles pushed together, very classy.
I suggest all Mafia II players should change their licence plates to "MO-FOX"* It's what all the cool kids are doing
*"MO-FOX" has no real meaning other than the X is right before the nothing space and foxes are cool.
Monday, October 18, 2010
Oh Nigella, won't you please marry me?
Yes, ditch your kids (husband?) and run away with me? We can cook easy yet delicious meals together and gorge ourselves on fudge and the like.

If only
I love watching Nigella on TV, she's freakin' amazing. Cookin', lookin' good, saying strange things and getting drunk while at it, what more could you want? Also, I love her voice, I could listen to her talk for days (or forever?)
She made toffee sauce the other night and I was like "Good God, I must have that." So I did! And it turned out surprisingly well, usually my foods end up being similar to the recipe, but I'm not sure you could describe them as good... I enjoy improvising.
Yeah...but this one tasted awesome! I don't think I could really go wrong, dark sugar, golden syrup, butter and cream...not too difficult.
I love how Nigella usually gets a bit drunk before any of her guests arrive. It's quite a smart idea, calm down a little bit and not look like drunkard when your downing all those pretty and well named drinks, aye?
Recipe for anyone interested (or my interpretation of it)
"Sticky Toffee Sauce"
3/4 cup Dark ground sugar
75g butter
a couple spoonfuls of golden syrup (or dark corn syrup)
150ml cream
Mix sugar, syrup and butter together in a hot pan (hot enough to boil) until they melt into a "toffee sticky goo" and then a "glorious dark sticky mess" (her words)
Keep heating it until it bubbles away from the edges "bubbly volcanic eruptions" (should be very soon after it's melted) and add the cream
Mix that in and let it sit on the heat for a little bit "long enough to get the ice cream out!"
And poor it over the ice cream (watch out as ice cream melts surprisingly fast)
Put the rest in a container and heat it up in the microwave when you want to use it again
Enjoy :D
P.S. This was from the comfort foods episode and I like to eat this whilst watching Dharma & Greg as they are always comforting

If only
I love watching Nigella on TV, she's freakin' amazing. Cookin', lookin' good, saying strange things and getting drunk while at it, what more could you want? Also, I love her voice, I could listen to her talk for days (or forever?)
She made toffee sauce the other night and I was like "Good God, I must have that." So I did! And it turned out surprisingly well, usually my foods end up being similar to the recipe, but I'm not sure you could describe them as good... I enjoy improvising.
Yeah...but this one tasted awesome! I don't think I could really go wrong, dark sugar, golden syrup, butter and cream...not too difficult.
I love how Nigella usually gets a bit drunk before any of her guests arrive. It's quite a smart idea, calm down a little bit and not look like drunkard when your downing all those pretty and well named drinks, aye?
Recipe for anyone interested (or my interpretation of it)
"Sticky Toffee Sauce"
3/4 cup Dark ground sugar
75g butter
a couple spoonfuls of golden syrup (or dark corn syrup)
150ml cream
Mix sugar, syrup and butter together in a hot pan (hot enough to boil) until they melt into a "toffee sticky goo" and then a "glorious dark sticky mess" (her words)
Keep heating it until it bubbles away from the edges "bubbly volcanic eruptions" (should be very soon after it's melted) and add the cream
Mix that in and let it sit on the heat for a little bit "long enough to get the ice cream out!"
And poor it over the ice cream (watch out as ice cream melts surprisingly fast)
Put the rest in a container and heat it up in the microwave when you want to use it again
Enjoy :D
P.S. This was from the comfort foods episode and I like to eat this whilst watching Dharma & Greg as they are always comforting
Saturday, October 16, 2010
Such a good day!
I had a really great day today, I went shopping, saw my Mum's friend's friend's new foal and hugged a stranger. Let's discuss!
First off with the shopping. Now, this is going to be a pretty photo heavy post so I didn't bother taking pictures of everything I bought, so I'll just discuss minus photos.
Here are some things I bought recently, but didn't tell you about because I like to mess with you like that.
Perfect Potion Soothe Cleansing Gel
So awesome! Calms my skin down, cleans me up real nice ;)
L'occitane Fresh Face Water
Not sure about this yet. It takes off my makeup well (even waterproof eyeliner), but feels tingly and makes my face kinda red. I like it, but we'll see...
L'occitane Ultra Comforting Cleansing Milk
I quite like this. It's pretty much a bunch of oils mooshed together so it's really moisturising and takes off makeup well. I like that you don't have to wash it off and it doesn't feel gross when you wipe off the excess.
Things I bought today
Perfect Potion Moisture Cream Base
Ahhh! So good! I got a sample of this a few weeks ago and I went back to get a whole tub. It's pretty much a moisturiser made of minimal ingredients (so as not to irritate sensitive skin), mostly oils, glycerin and only three things I can't pronounce.
Perfect Potion Bare Faced Exfoliant
Just tried it and I very much like it. Lightish exfoliaty bits, sand like texture. I mixed it with some Moisture Cream Base and a few drops of sweet almond oil, lovely and moisturising. Made my skin soft, smooth and brighter :D
LUSH Coolaulin Conditioner
I heard it's being discontinued! Oh noes! It's my absolute favourite conditioner! Gah, hopefully it's not actually being discontinued...I'm preparing myself though, I just bought three big bottles online and one in store, I'm thinking I'll buy one every week.
Or maybe I should find out if it's being discontinued first...
I got a bag from the Oxfam shop too

I like it, what do you guys think?
It has fishies on the side, too :D

Also (I did a lot today) I went to my Mum's friend's house to see her friend's new foal because she (Mum's friend) is buying the mother of the foal.

Here she is! So cute! She's clydie cross percheron. Nawww

Mischief, the mother

The ride there, so pretty
And now I leave you with this questions, is toast better than cake?
Yeah think about it.
I'd rather eat toast for eternity than cake.
First off with the shopping. Now, this is going to be a pretty photo heavy post so I didn't bother taking pictures of everything I bought, so I'll just discuss minus photos.
Here are some things I bought recently, but didn't tell you about because I like to mess with you like that.
Perfect Potion Soothe Cleansing Gel
So awesome! Calms my skin down, cleans me up real nice ;)
L'occitane Fresh Face Water
Not sure about this yet. It takes off my makeup well (even waterproof eyeliner), but feels tingly and makes my face kinda red. I like it, but we'll see...
L'occitane Ultra Comforting Cleansing Milk
I quite like this. It's pretty much a bunch of oils mooshed together so it's really moisturising and takes off makeup well. I like that you don't have to wash it off and it doesn't feel gross when you wipe off the excess.
Things I bought today
Perfect Potion Moisture Cream Base
Ahhh! So good! I got a sample of this a few weeks ago and I went back to get a whole tub. It's pretty much a moisturiser made of minimal ingredients (so as not to irritate sensitive skin), mostly oils, glycerin and only three things I can't pronounce.
Perfect Potion Bare Faced Exfoliant
Just tried it and I very much like it. Lightish exfoliaty bits, sand like texture. I mixed it with some Moisture Cream Base and a few drops of sweet almond oil, lovely and moisturising. Made my skin soft, smooth and brighter :D
LUSH Coolaulin Conditioner
I heard it's being discontinued! Oh noes! It's my absolute favourite conditioner! Gah, hopefully it's not actually being discontinued...I'm preparing myself though, I just bought three big bottles online and one in store, I'm thinking I'll buy one every week.
Or maybe I should find out if it's being discontinued first...
I got a bag from the Oxfam shop too

I like it, what do you guys think?
It has fishies on the side, too :D

Also (I did a lot today) I went to my Mum's friend's house to see her friend's new foal because she (Mum's friend) is buying the mother of the foal.

Here she is! So cute! She's clydie cross percheron. Nawww

Mischief, the mother

The ride there, so pretty
And now I leave you with this questions, is toast better than cake?
Yeah think about it.
I'd rather eat toast for eternity than cake.
Sunday, October 10, 2010
My neighbors are making weird noises...
The neighbors at the back of my house are...strange. I think they may be hicks (no offence to hicks, I love your corn!). My bedroom is the closest room to their deck and very often they have quite wild parties, where a bunch of middle aged people get drunk and play crappy 80s music really frikkin' loudly. It's like they take the 80s and pick aaalll of the worst songs and belt them out with their slurry voices.
It's Sunday night so no wild rages today and I'm pretty sure that one of them just went onto the veranda and started making mooing noises, but it also sounded like they were coughing up a hairball...how odd.
Sometimes I worry that they'll fall off the deck and into our yard, they're house is sorta higher than ours...if that makes sense, like their deck is probably level with our roof, but it's a deck, so it's just above ground level...Anyway, I worry about them injuring themselves.

Look, I even drew you a little picture!
Once, they played a Florence song and I was like "Yeaaaah! Florence and the Machine!" but then someone said a very slurred and mumbled, "Turn off that crap" and the music was quickly changed to something older and crappier.
I love having neighbors.
It's Sunday night so no wild rages today and I'm pretty sure that one of them just went onto the veranda and started making mooing noises, but it also sounded like they were coughing up a hairball...how odd.
Sometimes I worry that they'll fall off the deck and into our yard, they're house is sorta higher than ours...if that makes sense, like their deck is probably level with our roof, but it's a deck, so it's just above ground level...Anyway, I worry about them injuring themselves.

Look, I even drew you a little picture!
Once, they played a Florence song and I was like "Yeaaaah! Florence and the Machine!" but then someone said a very slurred and mumbled, "Turn off that crap" and the music was quickly changed to something older and crappier.
I love having neighbors.
Saturday, October 9, 2010
Woh! New layout? That's weird...
Whatdya guys think?
Drew the rose myself, I love art.
Might be kinda hard to read this...oh well.
Anyway, I did absolutely nothing today (except this, which took a surprisingly long amount of time to do)
I prefer to do art at night...I think the tiredness makes me more creative...strange.
I figured out how to thread my bajillion year old sewing machine last night, it came with a book that has drawings of women with crazy small waists and wearing wiggle dresses, I wish people still dressed like that, the 50s were, in my opinion, the best fashion age, fashion these days seems like pretty much whatever was fashionable last year except shorter.
I sound like an old lady. Um, kids, get off my lawn? That's funny because I really do get pissed off at those damn kids down the road climbing my trees! Frickin' kids!
Urm...so I was saying...I got that sewing machine like two years ago and I didn't know how to thread it until now...I would always use black thread because that's what was threaded...not that I actually sewed anything...ever. But now I'm going to try again!
On another note, I bought a heated towel wrack and I think there's something wrong with it. It takes literally days to heat a towel through and I'm just guessing because I've had it on since noon and it's now 6pm and the towel I have on it is only warm at the very top, which makes no sense to me. Maybe I'm doing something wrong...
I've wasted another day on fanfiction and watching true blood, if you can call that wasted, I really should have done something today...oh well! I'm going shopping tomorrow and I'll come back and regale you with stories of the various people I freak out and the things I buy.
Drew the rose myself, I love art.
Might be kinda hard to read this...oh well.
Anyway, I did absolutely nothing today (except this, which took a surprisingly long amount of time to do)
I prefer to do art at night...I think the tiredness makes me more creative...strange.
I figured out how to thread my bajillion year old sewing machine last night, it came with a book that has drawings of women with crazy small waists and wearing wiggle dresses, I wish people still dressed like that, the 50s were, in my opinion, the best fashion age, fashion these days seems like pretty much whatever was fashionable last year except shorter.
I sound like an old lady. Um, kids, get off my lawn? That's funny because I really do get pissed off at those damn kids down the road climbing my trees! Frickin' kids!
Urm...so I was saying...I got that sewing machine like two years ago and I didn't know how to thread it until now...I would always use black thread because that's what was threaded...not that I actually sewed anything...ever. But now I'm going to try again!
On another note, I bought a heated towel wrack and I think there's something wrong with it. It takes literally days to heat a towel through and I'm just guessing because I've had it on since noon and it's now 6pm and the towel I have on it is only warm at the very top, which makes no sense to me. Maybe I'm doing something wrong...
I've wasted another day on fanfiction and watching true blood, if you can call that wasted, I really should have done something today...oh well! I'm going shopping tomorrow and I'll come back and regale you with stories of the various people I freak out and the things I buy.
Saturday, October 2, 2010
And with 25% real fruit too!
I love food
I remember when I was a youngin and I used to love those "fruit" bar things...I also liked to eat cat food...suddenly things make sense. Anyway! so I bought some today and I read the ingredients. First ingredient. Sugar.
At least now they say Strawberry Flavoured Fruit Bars, pretty sure they used to just be Strawberry Fruit Bars, glad they made that distinction.
My grandma has some sort of obsession with crown mints and now I do too, it takes a lot of self control to stop eating them.

Delicious minty goodness.
I went to Woolworths a few days ago and bought some cooking/lifestyle magazine that just happened to come with a shitload of free samples!

Only at Woolworths, my friends
I am going to review each and every one of these...maybe not the tuna snacks...they literally look like cat vomit (yes, I have a cat, what of it?)
I also like apple juice (the cloudy kind).

I put some ice in this apple juice and forgot about it (I know, what is wrong with me?) and this is what happened...fascinating.

Arial view!
I went to a Japanese restauranty type thing last weekend and look at all the food we got!

So delicious that the internets won't let me make it any bigger otherwise it cuts off the sides, so here is the not big enough to truly enjoy it, but still good enough to admire the deliciousness size.
I remember when I was a youngin and I used to love those "fruit" bar things...I also liked to eat cat food...suddenly things make sense. Anyway! so I bought some today and I read the ingredients. First ingredient. Sugar.
At least now they say Strawberry Flavoured Fruit Bars, pretty sure they used to just be Strawberry Fruit Bars, glad they made that distinction.
My grandma has some sort of obsession with crown mints and now I do too, it takes a lot of self control to stop eating them.

Delicious minty goodness.
I went to Woolworths a few days ago and bought some cooking/lifestyle magazine that just happened to come with a shitload of free samples!

Only at Woolworths, my friends
I am going to review each and every one of these...maybe not the tuna snacks...they literally look like cat vomit (yes, I have a cat, what of it?)
I also like apple juice (the cloudy kind).

I put some ice in this apple juice and forgot about it (I know, what is wrong with me?) and this is what happened...fascinating.

Arial view!
I went to a Japanese restauranty type thing last weekend and look at all the food we got!

So delicious that the internets won't let me make it any bigger otherwise it cuts off the sides, so here is the not big enough to truly enjoy it, but still good enough to admire the deliciousness size.
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