Saturday, October 23, 2010

Why do they make washers and dryers the same size, but they have different load capacities?

Makes no sense! And is very annoying. Maybe it's just my washer and dryer, one is 7kg and the other is 3.5kg, so I have to do two loads of drying for each washing. Frustrating!

I'm thinking I'll just write about things that make no sense or annoy me, now...

Makeup products that have skin coloured packaging, but don't necessarily have the same colour on the outside as in the actual tube. Garghh! You make things so unnecessarily difficult!

Freaking iTunes! You have pissed me off so much in the past few days. It keeps asking me for authorisation to put True Blood on my iPad and then I put it in, it's all like "already authorised, 3 of 5 computer are now authorised with this account blah blah blah" and then I try to sync again and it's all "You need to authorise this account". Rawgin flargin! (When I'm extra mad, I tend to make angry noises, they may not seem like normal angry noises)

My fish deciding to eat each other for no friggin' reason. Why? I feed you often, I even buy the fancy "made for cichlids" expensive shizz. Your tank is clean, pH, alkaline, nitrate, nitrite, whatever are all good. Yet you insist on killing each other and making me scoop out the remains. Sometime I hate you, even though you're so pretty to look at.

Ignorant people. Or more specifically, people that think they know shit, but they don't know anything. At all. Ever. People that think they know more than you about something like hair or makeup because they wear makeup or they straighten their hair everyday and think it looks good. You are wrong people! You know nothing.

Leaving the lights on and wasting of electricity/resources. This is kinda hypocritical here. I have been known to buy lots of shit (but I use that shit!), but this really erks me. What's with all the packaging, guys? Do you really need aaaalll that plastic? Sure you couldn't recycle it?

People that liked something a few months ago, but now they don't like it because "everyone else likes it." What? Wouldn't you want other people to like the same stuff as you? Yeah, I get that you wouldn't go around telling people you love Twilight now that it is considered "sparkly and gay" (although I still do on the internets). But that doesn't mean you have to stop liking it and say you hate it if someone were to ask you. What is wrong with you? Can't you just like something and live with it?

Gotta-be-better-than-you people.
Random friend: So...what are you wearing to the nondescript party?
Me: Oh, yeah, this shirt I got at...that store.
Random friend: That shirt? I bought that one like a million years ago.
Me: *sad face*

Paranoia. Not the movie/band/anything else it could possibly be because it evokes a reaction in people.
I don't like being a crazy paranoid person. Sure, it keeps me safe (mostly), but about 99% of the time it is completely useless, other than the making me all twitchy and weird. I'm home alone right now (and a little more than pissy) and I keep glancing up from my bed at the window/door thingys outside my open door, and because I can see a reflection, I always freak out a little bit when I see my face all reflecty and see-throughish.

Not knowing what to say if people compliment me. Do you say thanks and that's it? What do you do?! Someone please tell me!

I think I have enough annoying things here, even though they're mainly about people...and fish...

Anywho! ...see you guys on the flip side?

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