Friday, January 7, 2011

Lazy post!

Well, I don't like to think of it as lazy...I'll most likely end up writing something really long about spiders, as I often do, and then it won't be lazy, it'll just be uninteresting or creepy. Or hopefully hilarious.

I have indeed. An octopus is really the best way to describe it.

Those furbie things as so freaking' creepy, a knife just goes with a furbie, it's not even suprising. It's just...there.

I chortled

So true, I always lose pens that way...although I give up very quickly...

I need a new iphone case. I want this one. It's amazing, sharks are awesome, amazing. I must find out where I can purchase this from.

As promised,
Talking about spiders:

So here's an update on the spider in my bathtub situation, I got back from my holiday, bathroom door still closed, gargantuan spider gone. Happy times. I haven't seen many spiders in my bathroom for a while, I think it's because it keeps raining, but you'd think the spiders would be more inclined to hide out in my bathroom whilst it's all horrible and wet...hmm.
Now I'm trying to remember the last time I saw a spider in my room/anywhere near me that wasn't outside and I think the last one was the huge spider in my tub...strange. Maybe it went back to it's spider friends and told them about how I didn't help it, probably convinced them all that I'm racist to certain types of spiders...really I'm just favouring daddy long legs-es because they're not all that scary and can't, like, kill me.

See, I talked about spiders and it was very strange.

See ya laters, probably while I'm in Ja-freaking-pan. So excited.

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