Thursday, April 28, 2011

There is a light in my lounge room on a timer

and it turns off at 9:55PM every night. Yet night after night I don't turn on the regular light or expect the room to suddenly go dark. Every night it makes me jump and takes me ages before I actually decide it's worth it to turn on the ceiling light Hey! I have a lot of shit to do, okay?

Instead I just turn on my keyboard back lighting and ignore the creepy feeling that is quickly sinking in around me.

I keep on getting emails from "Denise", it's my fault, I subscribed to her newsletter, except, every time I get the email, my inner monologue is like "ugh, another no last named person trying to sell me something" and then I realise who it is and realise it's not the man version "Dennis", it's the female version "Denise". Though she isn't really helping it when her newsletter is just a typed email with nothing interesting or different about it. Her emails really do seem like a scammer's emails.

That isn't related to anything, I just got an email from Denise and I thought I'd tell you about it.
Whatcha gonna do about it?
Nothin', that's right.

Anyway, it is 10:02PM in Australia time and I am getting sleepy, which means I need to take my flaxseed and iron tablet. I'm taking flaxseed for being tired all the time (Tim Ferris, interpreted by my brother, says it'll help). I used to take the pills, but apparently the liquid oily version works better, so I'm trying that and let me tell you, it's horrible. It's really, really frightfully gross and creepy.
What I just wrote was really boring...Oh well. I'm sure you'll get over it and get on with your life.

Now I'm gonna go drink (gross, drink) two tablespoons of flaxseed oil and try not to gag. See you guys in a few days.

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