Friday, September 24, 2010

Making all the Dragon Ball-Z moves and being shushed by people around us

I love going to the movies, hangin' out with friends.

It was one of my good friend's birthday today, so a bunch of us went to the movies. We saw The Sorcerer's Apprentice and I had heaps of fun.

The movie felt like they took Avatar: The Last Airbender (the cartoons not the movie, I haven't seen the movie yet), Percy Jackson And The Lightning Thief and a bunch of other similar TV shows and movies and smashed them all together, with that said I still really liked the movie.

Closer to the end of the movie (possible spoilers!) when Dave uses his magical powery things without the ring to kill Morganna and he made all those Dragon Ball-Z-esq moves, me and all my friends made them at the same time as him, we also made a lot of noise...

I loved Balthazar, he was the best (and not just because his name is awesome), with his awesome stopping flood skills and I-can-make-this-gargoyle-into-a-big-flying-birdy-thing attitude.

The beginning made me laugh very hard. Balthazar realising that it's not just a "coincidence" for young Dave to end up in his store (there be witchery afoot!) and Dave chasing after a note from a girl, why didn't he just ask her? Rather than run off from the group? And! Dave's roommate (Bennet) talking about being a part of the wolf pack, I also liked how Maxim used that against him and sent a real pack of wolves after him, thus making Bennet's "be a part of the pack" statement a little more terrifying than was intended.

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