Wednesday, September 22, 2010

Stupid people and wild animals

I was watching the news today (yeah, I watch the news, what of it?) and I saw this story about an antelope type thing that's insanely rare and near extinction and all that. So, they found one of these antelope things and captured it (great idea) and it died in captivity.

It's things like this that make me think of how people are so fenomanally stupid.

Most endangered animals die in captivity, if they didn't then they wouldn't be endangered as we would be able to keep them alive in order for them to breed, etc... If they're endangered obviously they're picky about their environment. What is wrong with you people?!

Also watched a report on a baby bear that got a jar stuck on it's head for 10 days.

It took them 10 days of knowing the bear couldn't eat or drink before they got the jar off. What is wrong with you people?! Shouldn't that have been pretty high up on the priority list?

And another about a man being attacked by a bear. Yes, it's sad and scary. No, he didn't die. Yes, I'm going to say something about how stupid people are again.

Okay, okay, okay, I know people getting attacked by things is a bit of a touchy subject, but I just want to say that they're wild animals for a reason. If you go for a vacation in an area that is known for freaking bears maybe you should be prepared? Don't go leaving your garbage outside, don't just go for a leisurely stroll through the woods, perhaps carry some mace with you. A bear will attack if it feels threatened. People are fairly big things, not as big as bears, but we're getting towards the "get outa ma territory" size, a bear ain't gonna be to happy if Happy Vacationer comes stompin' through his woods.

Oh yeah, and they killed the bear. Once again, bears = wild animals. I know it's to appease whoever got attacked and the townspeople, but that bear is no different from any other bear in that area, you can't just go around killing all the bears, and with the thinking that I think went into this, that's where your headed.

Thinking: "that bear dun attacked them there townsfolk, we outa kill it so it don't happen again" it's going to happen again as that is the nature of bears.

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