Sunday, March 27, 2011

Having the sniffles for hours after eating curry

And it's not even bad ass extra spicy, it's friggin' medium, you guys.
I am such a pansy.

I'm probably going to get a stomach ache too, freakin' pansy.

Sometimes I wonder what my body's deal is. Seriously, guy, you're not fun to be around.
It is 7:50 pm and I am tired. What is wrong with you? If I get less than 10 hours (even one hour) sleep, I am unfunctioningly tired. Unable to process any orders or tasks that come my way.
I am unable to nap. Napping is too difficult for me. Body gets all up in my grills bein' all "It's daytime, you're supposed to be lounging around reading fanfiction and over all being tired, this is no time for sleep!" Alas, body, I'm not all that mad about the whole napping thing; it's more so the insomnia that you've started doing. What is that?! No naps, no regular sleep pattern, the tiredness continues. Why do you make me wake up at 5:00 am? What is there for me to do at 5:00 am? And it's like, 8:00 pm and I'm tired, except I'm going to go to bed and just lie there for a while, trying to turn off my brain. I don't like you, body, you don't respect the guidelines of me living properly.

Also! The whole sensitive skin thing? Not so hot on that.
I got my eyelashes tinted yesterday and my eyes tingled, slowly drifting onto the line between tingle and burn and I was like, "Fine, whatevs, be that way, I'm just gonna try to ignore you for the remaining three minutes and hope you go away." It did, but it was very displeasing!

I am pissed with my body and all it's screw ups at the moment, fifteen years and you still haven't got the hang of things...

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