Thursday, February 9, 2012

Teachers being bitches and double standards

So I'm a bit mad at one of my teachers, and also dropbox, but I love dropbox, I could never stay mad at it. We had to take notes on an old news article about the religion state of Australia and I, like a good student, took notes and highlighted all that shit, I went crazy.

So I saved my notes from my Macbook in dropbox and expected it to be on my school laptop when I needed it, alas, it was not. I was pretty pissed, it wasn't even like I had just turned on my laptop, I had used it in the class before and had used the internet...So I'm pretty peeved. But I'm also peeved that my teacher was mad and I think she thought that I was lying (because a bunch of other people hadn't read it), but I wasn't! Hate when that happens.

Also, this same teacher and another one treat me and other students really differently compared to in class and out of class. In class we're buds, chatting about the class, debating and such, but outside of that particular class (even if it's another class, just not that particular one) they're really mean to me and everyone else. It's very confusing.

Yep, so that's how my life is going, school and blegh.

Also, I had I've had It's Raining Men stuck in my head for the past hour.


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