I'm not really sure how it happened, but I stumbled upon this hilarious and thought provoking blog. It's called "Putting Weird Things in Coffee"
I think the name says it all, really...
But I'll tell you about it anyway!
So, my two favourite posts are where they put a donut in coffee (and blend it) and where they put a banana in coffee (blend again)
It's literally 'rolling on the floor laughing' funny. I dunno, maybe it's just my sick sense of humour (I enjoy sarcasm and other strange jokes) but I was struggling not to drop my laptop and roll around on my couch, holding my side, crying...*awkward pause*
I'll tell you about the banana coffee as I nearly fell over laughing at the first line ^^^
(Links at the bottom)
Anywho! Pretty much they put a banana, chocolate powder, sugar and coffee, in a blender.
There's great pictures of the blending and end product and then they tell you about how it tasted, etc.
Turns out that bananas and coffee don't mix, surprisingly. But I really want to try blending a donut into my coffee (copfee)
Copfee (donut coffee): http://puttingweirdthingsincoffee.com/2010/05/27/copfee-donut-coffee/
Banana coffee (I love the first line): http://puttingweirdthingsincoffee.com/2009/07/06/banana-mocha/
So I hope you guys check out that blog. Sooo funny.
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