Saturday, July 31, 2010

Update on Lemony Flutter!

Guys! I have to tell you, this stuff is a literal, real life, modern day, freakin' miracle. I swear to the god I don't believe in, freakin' miracle.

Here are just a few of the situations that Lemony Flutter has saved me.

Blisters. Walking all day in uncomfortable shoes. Slap some of that yellow stuff on their, a pair of socks before bed and in the morning my blisters had improved so. freakin'. much. Holy McJesus, I am in love.

Burns. About 10 minutes ago, I burned myself (accidental, of course) on a hot oven tray thing. Cold water, then some Lemony Flutter, ice, and that sucker is soooo much better now. It's about half the size and a whole lot less painful.

Note: This is compared to what I usually do: cold water and ice. That doesn't even compare to the lemony flutter goodness.

...That's about it, other than the stuff I listed in my previous post
| | | (down there!)

But I'd say healing blisters, burns and all that other stuff is good enough to be classified as a miracle.

Don't agree with me? Perhaps comment, maybe?

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