Saturday, August 28, 2010

What would happen if I died right now?

I'm thinking about this because I just accidentally swallowed a chicken bone (how can there be bones in a kebab? I don't know) and I'm not sure if that's bad or not...

If it turns out that chicken bones are...poisonous or something, then I want these things to be done:
1. Someone call Chris and tell her I won't be at my horse riding lesson. My phone is connected to my speakers in my room and her number is under "Chris" (surprisingly) someone do that
2. Feed my dog, my Dad won't remember
3. Give my vast range of Lush products to my best friend Kate.
4. Preserve my room with that starch spray stuff...I want it to be really creepy and weird
5. Give all of money to George Clooney so he'll come to my funeral
6. Take dna from...something that has my dna on it and make a clone of me, or if that's not possible upload my mind into a robot.
7. Do my art homework and hand it in so that Mrs. Hine thinks I'm haunting her, that would be hilarious

...pretty sure that's it...that's kinda sad, there are 7 things I want to be done if I die.

Well, I guess I'll see you guys later (unless chicken bones really are poisonous)

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