Thursday, February 17, 2011

Comfort foods and fairy bread

I'm not sure if I've talked about comfort foods before...Well, here are my favourite comfort foods and recipes

Number 1 comfort food tie:
Macaroni and cheese cooked by my grandma and chicken casserole cooked by me.

Recipe for chicken cassarole (I'm sure you all know how to make Mac and Cheese)
A striped bbq chicken, no skin
French onion soup powder

Preheat your oven to 200 degrees celsius
Put all the chicken bits in a large pot (that has a lid).
Make the french onion soup.
Pour the french onion soup over the chicken (about 1 and a quarter or so mugs)
Pour about 120ml over the chicken, this depends on how much sauce you like. It's really not all that important.
Stir the chicken around a bit.
Cover the pot.
Put pot in oven for 20mins (the time also doesn't really matter).
Done. Deliciousness is ready!

Numero dois:
Crown mints and Glucogel jelly beans.
My grandma also gave me these (still does) and they comfort me immensely

さんばん(I'm just going to keep going with Japanese as I don't know how to say "number" in any other languages. Ps. さんばん(sanban) means number 3):
Tinned chicken soup, of course.

よんばん (4):
Corn relish dip with chicken crimpy shapes.
I'm pretty sure all of these things I'm putting down have something to do with my grandma, although I got the chicken casserole recipe from my neighbour...

ごばん (5):
"Cakes" as my grandma calls them when they're really cupcakes. I don't know the recipe for these. It's a heavily guarded secret.

ろくばん (6):
Chocolate chip cookies.
These have no relation to my grandma, I just love them. And I'm too lazy to make my own so no recipe for that one.

ななばん (7):
Pikelets. I also don't know the recipe for this one. I made them with my grandma when I was a youngin', but back then I wasn't the master of remembering that I am now.

はちばん (8):
Jaffles. I'm pretty sure that's not what they're called anywhere else other than my home, but they're toasted sandwiches with tinned spaghetti in them. Do people eat them anywhere else? They should, they're awesome.

きゅばん (9):
Fairy Bread. Now this one is pure Australia. I know this because we recently got two new students at my school, one from Wales, one from Scottland, and they had no idea what they were and were disgusted by the thought of them. Obviously they had never had the amazing Australian delicacy that is Fairy Bread (Its deserves capital letters so I give it capital letters).
So we made them some.
They hated it.
Haliegh - Wales. Said she felt like she was going to through up. What. A. Disgrace.
Steph - Scottland. Said it tasted like butter. Shameful.

Hello people not from Australia reading my blog that have no idea what Fairy Bread is. Here is your explanation.
Fairy Bread is a slice of bread with margarine and hundreds and thousands sprinkled on it. It is often served at children's parties and is overall loved by all Australians. Anyone who doesn't like Fairy Bread is not Australian and we don't want your prejudice here.

I may have a slightly biased view on this topic...shut up.

I have been eating Fairy Bread since I was a youngin' and I'm sure that is the reason why I am the person I am today. Without Fairy Bread I don't know where I'd be.

じゅばん (10):
I think that's enough ranting about Fairy Bread. For now.
Next on the list would be Cadbury Cream Eggs. Best. Shit. Ever.
Little side note to any celiac readers I may have. You can most likely eat cream eggs if you're okay with "trace amounts" of wheat. The inside egg bits has been processed so much that it has no gluten left in it.

And that's it, though I'm sure I'll think of a million more right after I post this.

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