Saturday, February 26, 2011

This whole "getting older" thing isn't all it's cracked up to be

To be honest, highschool sucks. And I'm beginning to doubt it will get better in the next two years. Sure, the youngins get out of my way now (thanks to my white shirt, so we can tell the difference between the youngins and the geezers), that's a perk. But we also get heaps for homework and block. Block? What is this? Just make it harder for everyone why don't you? Yes, good idea. They're not angsty enough, those teenagers, we need to raise the anxiety in here. How about we stress them out with tests that we tell them are important, but don't mean anything and smash them all into one week. Nice one, jerks.

And then! They give us laptops, connected to the school internet, during class, monitoring programs that we have to sign into. Distract us more. Teach use skills in paying attention and not spending math reading fanfiction. That's not the most idiotic thing I've ever heard, at all.

I'm really pissed at school at the moment, if you didn't notice. Frikking people and everything! Pisses me off so hard.

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