Monday, September 27, 2010

Vampires - slowly taking control over my life

I am now into True Blood.

I'm gradually making my way through all things vampire related, so far I've got my Twilight, my Vampire Diaries and now I've got True Blood.

So, I'm pretty much just going to ramble about True Blood for a while. Enjoy!

First of all, I freakin' love Bill's voice. I could listen to him talk all friggin' day (and I did).

Vampire Bill? Come on! I like sort of suits him, but I laugh every time anyone says "wait until vampire Bill gets here." Not so threatening anymore.

I like that these vamps aren't completely immortal, gives the humans a chance. I also like how they're fangs pop out of their teeth with that little sound, sorta like when someone takes out a switchblade, because that totally makes them look less ridiculous.

I love Bill. I will be so pissed if Sookie ends up with Eric (although I think he would have to have some kind of personality change for that to happen), Bill is the best, all sweet and accenty...*sigh*

Vampire bill
I love you, Bill.

I also like how Bill isn't completely against killin' people, he will gladly suck on Sookie's wrists or if he has to kill someone anyway he'll drink up, way cooler than just only killing people or not killing anyone ever.

I don't like how it seems like the end of every episode is a crazy cliffhanger (usually involving blood/a dead guy/Sookie screaming with blood splattered on the walls) it's too suspenseful! I went to bed at 5am this morning because I couldn't stop watching, thank gawd I was watching one that didn't have an insane ending or I don't think I would have gone to sleep.

I also don't like how there is so much stuff about Tera or Sam or whatever. I don't care about them! I'm much more interested in what Sookie's deal is, Jessica being all newborny and Bill's lovely accent.

I'm really hoping that Bill will change Sookie (it would really help with his whole "Sookie must be protected" thing), but I think she would look rather strange with fangs, and she's too innocent! (although not so much anymore, what with all the killings, etc.)

And Bill, stop keeping secrets! What do you know that you're not telling us?!

Side note: is it just me or is Eric freakishly tall?

Friday, September 24, 2010

Making all the Dragon Ball-Z moves and being shushed by people around us

I love going to the movies, hangin' out with friends.

It was one of my good friend's birthday today, so a bunch of us went to the movies. We saw The Sorcerer's Apprentice and I had heaps of fun.

The movie felt like they took Avatar: The Last Airbender (the cartoons not the movie, I haven't seen the movie yet), Percy Jackson And The Lightning Thief and a bunch of other similar TV shows and movies and smashed them all together, with that said I still really liked the movie.

Closer to the end of the movie (possible spoilers!) when Dave uses his magical powery things without the ring to kill Morganna and he made all those Dragon Ball-Z-esq moves, me and all my friends made them at the same time as him, we also made a lot of noise...

I loved Balthazar, he was the best (and not just because his name is awesome), with his awesome stopping flood skills and I-can-make-this-gargoyle-into-a-big-flying-birdy-thing attitude.

The beginning made me laugh very hard. Balthazar realising that it's not just a "coincidence" for young Dave to end up in his store (there be witchery afoot!) and Dave chasing after a note from a girl, why didn't he just ask her? Rather than run off from the group? And! Dave's roommate (Bennet) talking about being a part of the wolf pack, I also liked how Maxim used that against him and sent a real pack of wolves after him, thus making Bennet's "be a part of the pack" statement a little more terrifying than was intended.

Making all the Dragon Ball-Z moves and being shushed by people around us

I love going to the movies, hangin' out with friends.

It was one of my good friend's birthday today, so a bunch of us went to the movies. We saw The Sorcerer's Apprentice and I had heaps of fun.

The movie felt like they took Avatar: The Last Airbender (the cartoons not the movie, I haven't seen the movie yet), Percy Jackson And The Lightning Thief and a bunch of other similar TV shows and movies and smashed them all together, with that said I still really liked the movie.

Closer to the end of the movie (possible spoilers!) when Dave uses his magical powery things without the ring to kill Morganna and he made all those Dragon Ball-Z-esq moves me and all my friends made them too, good times!

I loved Balthazar, he was the best (and not just because his name is awesome), with his awesome stopping flood skills and I-can-make-this-gargoyle-into-a-big-flying-birdy-thing attitude.

The beginning made me laugh very hard. Balthazar realising that it's not just a "coincidence" for young Dave to end up in his store (there be witchery afoot!) and Dave chasing after a note from a girl, why didn't he just ask her? Rather than run off from the group? And! Dave's roommate (Bennet) talking about being a part of the wolf pack, I also liked how Maxim used that against him and sent a real pack of wolves after him, thus making Bennet's "be a part of the pack" statement a little more terrifying than was intended.

Wednesday, September 22, 2010

Stupid people and wild animals

I was watching the news today (yeah, I watch the news, what of it?) and I saw this story about an antelope type thing that's insanely rare and near extinction and all that. So, they found one of these antelope things and captured it (great idea) and it died in captivity.

It's things like this that make me think of how people are so fenomanally stupid.

Most endangered animals die in captivity, if they didn't then they wouldn't be endangered as we would be able to keep them alive in order for them to breed, etc... If they're endangered obviously they're picky about their environment. What is wrong with you people?!

Also watched a report on a baby bear that got a jar stuck on it's head for 10 days.

It took them 10 days of knowing the bear couldn't eat or drink before they got the jar off. What is wrong with you people?! Shouldn't that have been pretty high up on the priority list?

And another about a man being attacked by a bear. Yes, it's sad and scary. No, he didn't die. Yes, I'm going to say something about how stupid people are again.

Okay, okay, okay, I know people getting attacked by things is a bit of a touchy subject, but I just want to say that they're wild animals for a reason. If you go for a vacation in an area that is known for freaking bears maybe you should be prepared? Don't go leaving your garbage outside, don't just go for a leisurely stroll through the woods, perhaps carry some mace with you. A bear will attack if it feels threatened. People are fairly big things, not as big as bears, but we're getting towards the "get outa ma territory" size, a bear ain't gonna be to happy if Happy Vacationer comes stompin' through his woods.

Oh yeah, and they killed the bear. Once again, bears = wild animals. I know it's to appease whoever got attacked and the townspeople, but that bear is no different from any other bear in that area, you can't just go around killing all the bears, and with the thinking that I think went into this, that's where your headed.

Thinking: "that bear dun attacked them there townsfolk, we outa kill it so it don't happen again" it's going to happen again as that is the nature of bears.

Sunday, September 19, 2010

The breakfast of champions: BIAC

No one's done the dishes and we still have no bowls, so I've decided that I'm just going to eat everything out of cups.

Breakfast in a cup = BIAC

It's nutrigrain (and there's milk in there somewhere...)

I like it.

Football is funny

Is it football still? I don't know, I'm not up to date on the sports... ummm...pretty sure it's football.

Rugby! It's something to do with that.

Anyway, the one with the really buff guys where they throw a ball at each other (the kind with laces) and tackle people.

one o' these

So! Watching football with my dad, I'm thinking about how weird this game is. It seems like the main point of the game is to tackle the other team and put your crotch in some guys face. Fun.

There was a lot of crotch-facing.

The guys legs are creepy, they look like they would be squishy if I poked them, but at the same time not...

The grass is freakishly green and has ads in the grass. It makes me actually want to try Telstra T-Box whatever that is...

I love how the crowd gets noticeably louder whenever someone gets tackled or trips.

I think if I knew what the hell was going on it would make the game less interesting. I quite like just watching over muscled men wail on each other and throw a ball around.

Is anyone actually listening to the commentator? Because what they're saying is really pointless and stupid.

"Urm, yes, it looks like they're playing nervously, Pete"
Absolute shite.

Saturday, September 18, 2010

Check out my sweet tats

Jesus riding a unicorn infront of a rainbow tat
It's Jesus riding a unicorn in front of a rainbow
Designed it myself, that's right bitches!

Spiderweb tat
And this one is a spiderweb...I think

Yeah, thinkin' of getting 'em fo' realz for my 18th. You know it!

Drawn by my friend Sophie ;3

Damn ants comin' into my house, my territory

Yeah, I know ants, it was your territory first, but we live here now! You stay outside with the other critters!

Ants annoy me.

They come into my kitchen, walking all over my fruit and freakin' me out when I suddenly realise there's a giant line of little black things crawling up the wall. And I have to kill 'em...mainly because I don't know of any other way to get rid of ants and usually at the time I notice them they've pissed me off enough for me to kill 'em, it's just messy!

...I think ants don't like ginger or somethin''s probably not definitely shouldn't use ginger to ward of ants...

Sometimes I wish I was an ant, just to see the world as something even huge-er (not a word) than how we see it, but then I think of all the times I've accidentally killed them...and all the times I've intensionally killed them. Damn ants! Get out of my house!

So, yeah, I just discovered a very large line of ants whilst trying (unsuccessfully) to blend various fruits into ice cream (my blender makes no sense! The blade thingy spins around but the mush of fruit and ice cream stays still! Raargh!) and as you can see I was getting quite peeved at the blender (mo-fo). So I see these ants and spray the crap out of them with RAID and now I feel bad. Damn you ants for making me feel bad.

Anyway! So I kinda made the ice cream/fruit...thing work. Pretty much just smashed it with a spoon until it was all a similar colour.


Banana and blueberry goodness.
Also, we're outa bowls, so instead of washing a bowl like a normal person, I put my ice cream in a glass.

Feels fancier.

Monday, September 13, 2010

Things I've learnt in my 15 years of life

1. Organic milk is no good
It goes off before even I have enough time to drink it-and I am one crazy milk drinking mo-fo.

2. Things shouldn't go near microwaves
So I've come to the conclusion that bread molds quicker near the microwave, fruit ripens quicker and potatoes often spontaneously combust once being placed in the microwave for several minutes.

3. Suspicious smelling custard should not be eaten
A lot of these are food related, aye?
Anyway! Pretty much anything that smells shifty should be avoided

4. Rape alarms do nothing, go for mace
So, did anyone else hear that thing about how if you're being attacked you should yell fire instead of rape? ...Interesting. Also, people are cowards.

5. If you don't have to get up for something, then don't
Examples! Reaching really far/rolling to get the remote, getting supplies (drinks, food, etc) and sitting in one place all day, staying in bed all day and getting people to "Fetch" things for you.

6. Strange noises are usually not an axe murderer/robber, calm down
This happens to me a lot, I think I'm just a paranoid kind of person...

7. No one cares, stop obsessing
I obsess too. Like, if someone says something to me on the street and I say something back I will think about what was said and if I sounded like a doof the whole way home.

8. Pressing random buttons on the Tv will eventually make it work
Also, learning how to use the TV without the remote is very important.

9. Picking a movie that has a funny title doesn't guarantee it's going to be funny
Hey Hey It's Esther Blueburger, no one prepared me for that. Horrifying.

That's not really all of it, but I can't think of stay tuned for part 2 in the not so near future?

Yep, let's go with that.

Saturday, September 11, 2010

Why do I do such strange things right before I got to bed?

So I'm going to bed in like...two hours and I suddenly decided I wanted to try and curl my hair into rocker pigtails for funsies and to possibly wear to the movies tomorrow (gonna see Vampires Suck!)

I have no idea why I decided to do it now. I just wanted to, so I did. I make no sense.

Rocker pigtails!
I feel like Wonder Woman...except more like Spartan Woman as I'm wearing my house team spirit singlet thing and we are the St. Helena Spartans (school's lame)

So now I don't want to sleep and ruin it because it looks freakin sweet (I am so doing my hair like this tomorrow) and I'm just mad at myself for doing this to myself.


Friday, September 10, 2010

What constitutes a biscuit?

Because I always thought it had to have some sort of biscuity part (then again, I always thought a "cheese product" had to contain cheese)

I went to my local(ish) foods from different countries plus fruit store (you know what I'm talking about) and they had "Macaroon's" (not the ones you're thinking of my American friend). I was, of course, excited, I love coconut and I love chocolate and from the pictures (which apparently aren't actual size) is what they appear to be.

It is ridiculously hard to find a picture of whatever the hell I'm talking about, so I took one myself and apparently my bathroom has the best lighting even though it's orange. I need someone to change the light bulbs in my room...

I love serving suggestion pictures. The serving suggestion of "Macaroon's" is two "biscuits", if you can call them that, and half a coconut. Delicious.

So, back to the biscuit portion of this post, it says "BISCUITS 200g Net" on the packet and so I went to the ingredients looking for flour or some sort of biscuity materials and found that it's main ingredient is actually wheat flour...but it really doesn't look like a biscuit of any sort...Now, I haven't actually opened them as I have no idea what to expect, so I don't actually know if it has any biscuityness to it.

Just opened it and yes, it does have a biscuit portion...I'm sort of glad and sort of not, it would be so delicious if it was just chocolate and coconut, but I don't think you can call that a food, and I think I would have just eaten heaps of the coconuty goodness and...died or something (a happy death)

So, now I know that I don't like "Macaroon's"

...See ya next time!