Saturday, October 9, 2010

Woh! New layout? That's weird...

Whatdya guys think?

Drew the rose myself, I love art.

Might be kinda hard to read this...oh well.

Anyway, I did absolutely nothing today (except this, which took a surprisingly long amount of time to do)

I prefer to do art at night...I think the tiredness makes me more creative...strange.

I figured out how to thread my bajillion year old sewing machine last night, it came with a book that has drawings of women with crazy small waists and wearing wiggle dresses, I wish people still dressed like that, the 50s were, in my opinion, the best fashion age, fashion these days seems like pretty much whatever was fashionable last year except shorter.

I sound like an old lady. Um, kids, get off my lawn? That's funny because I really do get pissed off at those damn kids down the road climbing my trees! Frickin' kids! I was saying...I got that sewing machine like two years ago and I didn't know how to thread it until now...I would always use black thread because that's what was threaded...not that I actually sewed anything...ever. But now I'm going to try again!

On another note, I bought a heated towel wrack and I think there's something wrong with it. It takes literally days to heat a towel through and I'm just guessing because I've had it on since noon and it's now 6pm and the towel I have on it is only warm at the very top, which makes no sense to me. Maybe I'm doing something wrong...

I've wasted another day on fanfiction and watching true blood, if you can call that wasted, I really should have done something today...oh well! I'm going shopping tomorrow and I'll come back and regale you with stories of the various people I freak out and the things I buy.


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