Friday, April 1, 2011

What did I learn between January and March 2011?

1. Japan is freaking awesome

2. I'm not as good at speaking Japanese as I thought I was, but I'm better at comprehending than I thought

3. Stuff isn't as cheap in Japan as people say

4. People care about appearance too much

5. All apple products are amazing

6. Lush makes me happy

7. Coconut contains saturated fats

8. My orthodontist is a perfectionist and this worries me

9. The cups in my cupboard that I thought were plastic are actually glass

10. My horse has been fed more than usual because he needs to gain weight and that's why he's so energetic lately

11. Year 11 is harder than year 10

12. All the bookstores near me are going bankrupt. iPad rules all.

13. Cutting stencils is really frustrating and hard

14. I love Supernatural, but I have no idea why

15. Sewing machines break easily

16. And I no longer know who my favourite Doctor is. I love David Tennant, I still do, but Matt Smith is awesome too.

Both are good

I like both these facial expressions, and it's always really awesome when he gets angry about humans doing stupid things.

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