Tuesday, May 10, 2011

Gen Y, to us, even email is too slow.

I'm really tired right now and I should go and have a shower and go to bed, but I'm waiting for an email to send (damn you email and your treachery!), so I thought I'd write a blog post while I wait (yes, I have enough time. What, you're not as amazing of a typer as I am? Well, I'm just that great).

So...Whatcha guys been doing?

It's sent now, nevermind, see ya...

Just joshin' ya, guys. Though I am pretty tired and unorganised, I'll stay up a few more minutes to give you some giggles.

So, check it, adorable animals. Pleated Jeans is the most hilarious and often adorable blog. Click it! Click!

Here's a sneak preview of what is to be expected.

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