Thursday, May 26, 2011

I am going to write a story. I will! Don't try and stop me.

And I'm a master procrastinator, you see, so I'm procrastinating writing this, even though I want to. That's just how good I am.

It's just starting something new is hard! Expectations and stuff!

So my friend, Ell, gave me some pretty sick advise in the way of writing a story, she said "Let your imagination take over, who cares what anyone else wants your story to be, this is your story, it doesn't have to make sense!" (I may have paraphrased because I can't remember what she actually said, but it was as, if not more, inspirational as that was).

So I'm just going to write random stuff and hope it becomes somewhat interesting (very similar to how I blog). Pretty sure it's going to be romantic/mystery/angst/possibly horror. I actually haven't decided on any of those, but there will be romance and also something strange happening to main character girl, that may or may not include a murder or two.

I feel like I should be doing something important (how I feel when I'm procrastinating), but it's weird because it's expectation and anticipation rather than why aren't I writing?!

I don't know. I find that blogging usually helps me start writing something, hopefully this will work.

Shout out to my home boy (girl), Ell for her awesome advice and entertaining me in English/BOM/SOR and also not being completely (I use that loosely) freaked out when I draw her after I've finished my English/BOM/SOR exams. It's not my fault, she always sits the perfect distance from me.

I'm gonna go write me some romantic/mystery/angst/horror craziness.

I might let you guys read it, who knows?

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