The gloriousness of a steaming hot shower after freezing your extremities off is the best thing in the world, but there are some drawbacks:
- getting out of the shower afterwards is nearly the same amount horrible as getting in is glorious
- You are not only really cold after you get out, you are also wet, which makes you even colder
- Furthermore, you are also naked, leaving you defenceless to the gusty winds of your bathroom
- If you're anything like me, you'll blast the scaldingly hot water and stand under it until you're legs and feet are mildly burned/pink for the next twenty minutes
- How would you ever escape a serial killer if you are both cold and naked? Pretty sure your body would go into spasms and you would just seize at their feet. Good luck evading attacks whilst flailing on the tiles of your bathroom floor.
All of these things are horrible, but the amazing feeling of being crazy hot after being crazy cold is so worth it. Although it doesn't really seem like it when you're facing an axe wielding murder with nothing to defend yourself with but a toothbrush.
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