Saturday, March 12, 2011

Dear Glad Wrap and co.,

Your plastic food wrap doesn't stick to cold things.

What's the deal? Cold things need to be kept fresh (with sealed freshness) too.

Also, Glad Wrap often only sticks to itself. Maybe you should get on that?

Eleanor Grace Self
Stuffing around and never doing any actual work PhD.

Woolworths Grocery Company,

I appreciate your dedication to providing soft freshly baked hot cross buns every day, unlike Bumby’s Bakery. I am displeased with your obviously week old cross buns that you sold me. Come on.

Eleanor Grace Self
Stuffing around and never doing any actual work PhD.

Simpson Home appliances,

Your ovens rock. The house we bought 15 years ago had an old Simpson over and it still works great. Thank you for creating long lasting kitchen appliances and saving us from buying a new oven.

Eleanor Grace Self
Stuffing around and never doing any actual work PhD.

The Sun,

Why are you so hot? It’s supposed to be Autumn and it's like 30 degrees. Come on, Sun, you need to calm down.

Eleanor Grace Self
Stuffing around and never doing any actual work PhD.

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