Monday, March 28, 2011

My hand smells like bubble gum

It's freaking me out because I'm drinking coffee at the table and I keep resting my head on my hand whilst surfing ze internets and then I'm like "WHAT?! Why does my hand smell like bubble gum?" And now I'm getting all paranoid, like, maybe there's something (SOMEONE) under the table that smells like bubble gum and whenever I move my head lower to rest on my hand, I get close enough to the bubblegum creature to smell it.

Or maybe it's because my hand smells like coconut hand wash and my coffee smells like cinnamon and that forms into the smell of bubble gum...yup.

P.s. One of the most hilarious blogs I've ever read, The Sneeze, updated today and I would recommend you read it and giggle like me.

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