- Set up some uplifting or calming aromatherapy. My favourites are juniper berry, grapefruit, mint and sage(not together)
- Put on your favourite music and chill for a moment
- Set up a fan or air-conditioning to a slightly cooler temperature
Not necessarily in conjunction with the atmosphere suggestions
- Exercise. Exercising releases endorphins which will make you feel better. Exercising every day can help even more sever cases of depression.
- Drink some water and breathe deeply
- Read whatever book you're enjoying at the moment to take you away from whatever's pissing you off.
- Write everything that's upsetting you down. Can be typed or hand written, I prefer typed because you can get it all out quickly. Doesn't have to make sense or be in any sort of order, just keep writing until it's all out. Afterwards you can either save it or delete it. I like to save it, not sure why, but it makes me feel better to have my thoughts written down somewhere.
- Have a bath. I feel so comfortable in a bath. You can have it with bubbles or aromatherapy oils or just clear water.
- Do something you love. For me it would be horse riding or reading, so after I've gotten all of my anger out by writing it down then I can do something that makes me feel good.
- Crank some dance music (I enjoy Eminem) and jump around your room like a crazy person. This also releases endorphins as it is a form of exercise.
- Call someone you love and talk to them about it
- Hang out with your friends or do something that makes you laugh, for example watching Parks and Recreation always makes me laugh