Friday, April 20, 2012

People actually read my blog?

Guys, I just realised that when I say "guys", I'm actually talking to a few people! This is so weird. I just sort of assumed that people clicked on for a random post about whatever and then promptly left...but I've been getting anywhere between 30-70 views a post. What is happening?!

And people have commented! I never noticed! I thought I would get some sort of notification and assumed that I just never got comments. I'm freaking out a bit.

So...Hello! How do you do? Any suggestions or things you'd like to hear about? Not that I'm expecting any replies, I've probably jinxed it, but whatever! I'm excited!


1 comment:

  1. Well, I came across it because I was frantically looking for a Big Tease replacement. My stash is almost gone. So damn sad.
