Friday, November 4, 2011

Always prepared

I endeavor in life to always be prepared for everything ever.

Though it's possibly just mild paranoia.

Tonight we had Japanese takeaway for dinner and I purposefully brought my wallet incase we didn't have enough money for dinner (they didn't tell us how much it was) and it paid off.

I always bring a variety of things you would find in a first aid kit in my purse. I'm also in love with those "10 things you shouldn't go camping without" kinds of things and camping gadgets.
For example: this

A sample of what I keep in my kit is as follows:
- bandaids (the extra thick fabric ones because they're good for blisters from shoes - tried and tested)
- Panadol AND Nurofen - incase of headaches and other pains
- Pads - for unexpected visits
- Tissues

Things that I wish to add to my kit, but have not purchased yet/do not exist yet
Want, but don't have
- Water purification tablets
- A miniature desalinisation machine (don't know if that exists, I hope it does)
- Duct tape (and other types of tape)
- Little scissors
- A Go Girl, I'm not sure if I even want one, it's kind of creepy, but it would come in damn handy if I ever got stranded on a desert island (for people too scared to click on the link, a Go Girl is like a funnel for ladies that go extreme camping (i.e. camping that doesn't have proper bathrooms))

Doesn't exist/I don't know if they exist
- Food tablets - like food in tablet form (I'm realising that this list is turning into what I want in my survival bag in the event of zombies, natural disaster or somehow becoming deserted with my survival bag)
- Compacted clothes - like those washcloths you can buy that come in little tablets (I like tablet things) and when you put them in water they expand to normal size
Like this, but clothes! (I also want to add this to my existing things list)


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