Saturday, January 29, 2011

Book fairs are surprisingly quiet places

I went to a book fair today (I know) and it was awesome. It wasn't a book fair like "OMG books are awesome, let's talk about it!" kind of thing, it was more heaps of second hand books for sale. Heaps.

I bought a bunch of cook books, mainly because I'm really bad at picking books in general and it wasn't in genres, just labelled fiction, classics, sci-fi (because that's not fiction, obviously), reference, etc. and that made it hard to find what I wanted...although I don't know if I could have found sci-fi romance anyway...Damn you Twilight, making me read weird things.

So I bought a bunch of books and now I'm content.

I'm going to attempt to make something from one of the cook books tonight. Exciting.

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