Saturday, January 1, 2011

Wooh! New years bonfire!

So I went over to my Best Friend Fo' Life!'s house for a new years bonfire last night with fam' and her brother's friends. It was fun. We drank champagne at midnight, there was fire, apparently there was an effigy dressed in our school uniform, but I got there too late to see that, there was also a lot of mud and a shortage of chairs.

Didn't take any pictures unfortunately, but I'll describe the main points in detail for my avid readers.

Will, Kate's brother's friend, broke a chair, but we made him think he had broken two.

Jacob, see above, brought some really cheap vodka, which I did not partake in thank you very much, and everyone made a digested face when they drank it.

Me and Kate talked about vampires.

We actually left the outdoors at 2am and went to sleep at 5:30am or possibly later. We spent those three and a half hours watching George Clooney be Jedi, The Lion King, and talking about super powers, which then led to talking about Misfits, Alec is now my new favourite person because he talked about Aleisha's power when we were discussing powers and I was like "You watch Misfits!" and then we spent like half an hour just quoting Misfits and laughing.

We decided that Super Spooning is the best superpower, but lactokenesis is also pretty awesome, and also really stupid. Super Spoon is someone who can spoon ANYONE, ANYTIME, and they wouldn't even know it because they're. Just. That. Good. Not the most useful of powers, but it would be very amusing.

There were these two girls, one was absolutely shit-faced, the other was more sober, but definitely not considered sober. They kept whispering to each other, giggling, and then five minutes later they'd be calling each other bitches or sluts, it was hilarious.

I slept until 7:30am, went back to sleep, woke up again at 8:30am and used my cat-ninga like stealthilyness to retrieve my bag from behind a sleeping guy, it was wicked awesome, you guys. He didn't even stir. I'm. Just. That. Good.

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