Thursday, January 27, 2011

That shouldn't be called charcoal. That's not charcoal, why would you call it charcoal?

I don't like when clothing companies call something charcoal when it's actually just grey. Charcoal isn't anything like grey, I suppose you could make some sort of grey with charcoal, but that still shouldn't be called charcoal.

Why. Why. Why, would anyone think grey is charcoal, have you never made a charcoal drawing? You're just making it confusing for me, the online buyer. Charcoal and black are very similar, yet you have a photo of a pair of grey tights and a pair of black tights. Are the black tights actually black tights or are they the charcoal ones? It could be either!

All I want is some grey tights, why do you make it so difficult?

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