Wednesday, January 12, 2011

Sea Shapers - worse than Green Peace

According to our tepenyaki chef, Hiroshi (He gave us his business card because we're buds!), "Sea Shapers" are like Green Peace, but worse. It took us quite a while to figure out that he meant Sea Shepherds and when we did it was hilarious. At one point at dinner I yelled out "Chicken!" because we were talking about Japanese words that come from English words (Steki - steak, chikin - chicken, biru - beer). Hahah, I'm such a weirdo.

So we're still in Japan, it's still awesome, we went to dinner last night at a tepenyaki place and had the best chef EVER. His name was Hiroshi and he was hilarious. We talked about the "fancy toilets" in Japan and Hiroshi said "Yes, fancy toilets". I laughed so hard. My Dad had prawn and it was truly horrific. The prawn was alive up until it was cooked. Horrible. But after that it was good! Me and my onisan (older brother) had crab and Hiroshi cooked it in the most delicious way. He piled a bunch of sea salt out on the grill, flattened it a bit, poured some water over it until the water was boiling on the salt and then put the crab legs on top of that and covered it. Its was friggin' amazing. I feel like he didn't get how deliciouso it truly was and how much we enjoyed it. Oh well.

I'm gonna go see if my bro and Pa are up yet so we can go explorin'

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