Tuesday, January 11, 2011

Oh my god, mittens!

I'm in Japan, bitches. And it's awesome. And it's cold. And it's more fantastic than I can out into words. It's also hilarious.

I bought fingerless gloves (damn phone doesn't understand the concept of gloved fingers) and I thought they had like a decorative pocket or something weird like that on the back, turns out they turn into mittens! How amazing and awesome is that? I was like "that's frikkin' awesome!" so now I have mittens and they're great.

I cajoled my brother and Pa into going to "Family Mart" which is pretty much a Japanese 7/11, except japanese business hours are really weird so its probably more like 7/20 or something. Anyway! We went to Family Mart and I got all sorts of weird food/drink. I got mango juice with milk, I believe it was called "Milk Mango" and I cant wait to try it, I also got a variety of chocolate things. Excited.

We went to Ginza in Tokyo, which is like a shopping district and I bought a coat because, like an idiot, I didn't realise exactly how cold it would be in Japan we also went to H & M and they had an insanely awesome sale, I bought a shirt for ¥700! (¥700 is closeish to $8 AUS)

We caught a train! I haven't caught a train in, like, friggin' ages, you guys. It was awesome.

No one wears colours here. The most colourful thing I've seen was blue scarf surrounded by black. Black coats, black pants, black shoes. It's all very depressing, but also stylish.

Well, that's all I had to say, if you'll excuse me, I'm going to drink a ridiculously expensive coke and put on my awesome gloves.

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