Sunday, December 26, 2010

Good God, I hate you, The Sims 3

I bought you ages ago and I've hardly been able to play you. Do you not like World Adventures? Is this what your problem is? If I uninstall it, will you stop being such a jerk? I doubt it, but I'll try, anything to please you, Sims 3.

Nope, you still aren't happy. How are you not "compatible" with the base game? You were made for each other, guy, come on. Soul mates, two peas in a pod, two halves of one soul, all that shizz, that's you and The Sims 3 base game. Why can't you love each other the way I love you?! Why, Sims 3? Why?!

You make me sad face. I don't like to sad face. It distracts me from reading about vampires and makes me focus solely on trying to friggin' fix you, which is seeming impossible at this point.

I'm thinking I'll email EA Games, but the last time I emailed someone about something relating to computers...well, it left me a bit angry. Freakin' Alfredo and his inability to fix my problems. It should even happen, okay, you guys!? Stuff like my True Bloods not playing just shouldn't happen. It makes me very mad.

On a much a happier note, OH MY GOD, GUYS, WOODFORD TOMORROW! FREAKIN' WOODFORD! Kate Miller-Heidke, the girl crush of my life is playing and I'm so excited, I could pee my pants (if I were wearing any. See: Things I do when I'm bored, not numbered, but go to number 9.) So excited!! It's most likely gonna be rainy and floody and muddy, and I'm probably going to slip and fall on my ass, but it'll totally be worth it! And I'm camping with my best bud at Tent City (Yiii!) and I'm super excited as I've only been excited once before in my life and the tents at Tent City are apparently really waterproof and not totally horrible, so that's nice. And hot water, you guys!
Well that's put me in a better mood. Thanks, Kate Miller-Heidke.

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