Tuesday, December 28, 2010

The thing about the internet is...

You don't when like anything happens, unless you use it. And then, I still have very little idea of what's going on.

Around the interwebs I had heard of a Doctor Who "Christmas special". I was very excited, except from the small bits I had read about it, I couldn't figure out when it was on. I still don't know when it was on... might have been yesterday, I do not know. The only reason I knew it had happened was because a fellow Doctor Who fan, ElectricFaerieDust, had asked if we, viewers, had liked the "Christmas special". So I'm all like "I missed it. MUST WATCH NOW!" and now I'm really excited.

New thing.

You know what pisses me off and makes me feel like a bit of geezer?

Freakin' texting/emailing/all that kind of thing and the lack of inflection or tone. You never know when people are being sarcastic, passive aggressive, bitchy, joking, pissed, sleepy, in a bit of a rush, sick, headachy, more variations of over all pissed off-ery, other things that involve using a different tone to normal speaking.

And people that suddenly get mad and just happen to be texting you and then you don't know if their texts are actually all bitchy or if they just worded it badly and didn't actually mean anything at all.

I have a friend that seems to get grumpy at a certain time of night. And it's like they're mad for no reason at all, but they don't realise it, they think they're reason for being cranky is completely understandable. It's not. People need to calm down.

Also, Justin Beiber. The Beebs pisses me off. So much.

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