Thursday, December 9, 2010

Whoops, don't have my face stuff for unknown reasons, what am I to do?

I've been thinking recently about how long I would last without my cleanser and moisturizer (before I went on a homicidal rampage) and I'm going to Moreton island on Saturday, so I'm thinking I'll blog about that for anyone who may have forgotten their facial shizz on holiday or used them up and can't get more for reasons unknown to me.

These are mostly just useful for people with dry skin (also sensitive skin) except for the cleansing just the moisturizing bit.

Cleansing bit!
If you're staying in a hotel or at home you will more than likely have a washcloth or a towel.

Steam thy face
Turn the tap on as hot as you can bear it and soak the washcloth/a square of the towel and squeeze all the water out of it. Lay it on your face and wait until it goes coldish.
Ta da! Clean face

Explorer exfoliating
Use the towel you used before (after rinsing it). Place in hand. Place hand with towel on face. Rub lightly in a circular motion.
Explorer exfoliating complete! Cleaner face achieved!

Moisturizing bit!
Hopefully you are able to purchase honey somewhere…otherwise this is pointless, and eggs would also be helpful.

Honey mask
Heat honey in microwave (or I’m sure room temperature honey will work the same) until warmish and apply a small amount to the facial area. Do not put near eyes. Honey is not very nice in the eyes. Wash honey off with a washcloth (steaming will probs help with the removal of the stickiness).
And there you have it, a moisturized face.

Honey and egg mask (for especially dry skin)
Egg, honey. Put together. Mix. Apply to face. Wash off. Done!

That’s pretty much all I’ve got. I wouldn’t recommend using the moisturizer or soap that they have in hotels, pretty likely for you to have a reaction to it.

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