Saturday, December 11, 2010

The terrifying "Scarfish"

"Yeah, there are heaps of starfish around here."
"Scarfish?!!" *run away!*
I'm afraid of fish.
Not all fish, but some fish.
Fish that hide under the sand or fish that look like things and then turn out not to be said things and bite you (stonefish).

So I'm at Moreton Island right now and I went for a swim in the ocean with my bro, his friend, Charl, and my friend, Meg. There were lots of "rocks" in the water and Charl was like "what's with all these rocks?" and some girl said "there are heaps of starfish around here." and I thought she said "scarfish and I freaked out and ran out if the water, which is very hard to do when in the ocean as there is water all around and currents and my overall lack of swimming skill when I am scared.

So, don't know if a "scarfish" is a real fish, but if it is I'm sure it will terrify me, just based on the name. What? It's a scary name...

Pat and Charl had quite a lot of fun with my fear of "scarfish" and by association starfish too. Always with the "what's that on the sand?!" and me screaming and jumping on Charl's back and him trying to dump me off and me holding on for dear life, therefore making it near impossible for him to get me off his back. Good times!

Anyway, I took some photos (on my new iPhone 4!), but I only brought my iPad, so I'll put those up when I get back on wednesday.

Laters homies.

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