How can you be so cute? When I saw this I was nearly crying with the cuteness, literally. I was like "OMG! You are so cute!" and now I want one. For reals, I'm going to find out all the legal shizz in relation to owls. Maybe it can be friends with my cockatiel...or it might just kill it, so maybe I won't see if I can get an owl after all?
Ahh! Sooo cute! Can't. Tear. My. Eyes. Away. Look at their eyes! Gaaaaawd, I want one.
It's like cuteness to the extreme and I don't ever want to see anything cuter than this because this is so cute that I think my eyes will explode and they haven't done that yet, so can you imagine if I did see something cuter than this? I think I would actually explode everywhere. Like all over my bed and laptop and then who would clean that up? Huh internet? Who?!
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