Friday, November 12, 2010

I save documents as weird things so that no one will know what it is unless they're me

Okay, they may be able to figure it out...but they'll think I'm a freak in the process.

My passwords document (that's where I put all my important stuff, what of it?!) is called Passwords and other stuff I may forget. I'm such a jokester! Who would think that would be all of my most important details? Not like I have anything for people to steal anyway...unless you want to change it so that you get all of my fanfiction updates and I'm just left staring at my computer wondering why the hell no one is updating and getting more and more pissed off until I go on the actual fanfic site and find out that you have changed my email and then I will proceed to hunt you down and kill you.

Speaking of killing you! (nice segue, I know) I'm doing an English speech on guns and how they're bad and it's a panel discussion so my group decided we're going to talk about media influences on the youngins and I'm a hardcore gamer! It's like I was made to play this role! The point of my very existence, perhaps? Well, it's going to be fun because I get to talk about various violent video games (I talk about blowing people's limbs off in Fallout, it's fun) and call people noobs.
Freakin' noobs! Can't do anything right, can ya?!

So! Enough ranty rantin'. I made it so that my computie changes words that I spell wrong (spell wrong? Does that work?) to the supposedly "right" spelling. Now I don't know how to change it back and it makes it difficult to use my weird variations of words - anything with an apostrophe, ranty, which it changes to rangy, which I don't think is any more of a word than ranty, computie, and other words I've used in older posts...I never realised how many words I make up... Oh well!

I don't know if I talked about this before, but I bought a really funky, actually old-not fake old, those annoys me- thermos. It's thermos brand too! Fancy! I bought it for $3, good deal, aye? And it works surprisingly well. I put hot water from the tap in it and like three hours later it was still pretty freakin' hot and then I left it over night and it was still hot! Freakin' magic! Funny because at some point back in time this would have been considered magic...har har.

Well...I keep rambling at not very late at night these days...Pretty sure it's only entertaining because I randomly jump from point to point, but I don't care! You're the one reading it, weirdo!

So, thanks for making it this far and I'll see you next time! Next time as in probably tomorrow night for another episode of "That chick talks about nothing for a while and uses strange phrases". On Lifestyle, maybe?

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