Wednesday, November 17, 2010

I'm so tired, but I can't get to sleep

Those aren't lyrics to some song you're reading. No, that's just me moping about my stupid freaking teenagerness that stops me from sleeping like a normal person and puts me in a perpetual state of tiredness.

I'm so friggin' tired right now. But I can't even tell if I would be able to fall asleep, and I feel like if I stay awake my current tiredness will curb and then I'll be very, very awake. And I don't like the amount of awareness I get from that, makes me paranoid.

New Topic!

So I figured out how to hem. Turns out you have to do it by hand (but surely there is some sort of sewing machine attachment? In this day and age, surely) I didn't know that was how it was done for so long. Always obsessing over how there was no sewn line on the outside, but now I know the trick to this magic!

My sewing machine is really old and I think it's finally kicked the bucket, so to speak. It doesn't sew unless you twist the needle doodley twisty thing (yeah, I know all the technical words) and hen start actually sewing. Also, it like, pulls the thread that's already attached to the fabric into the bottom part of the machine, like where the underneath thread comes out of, and jpgets all stuck in the machinery bobs. This makes it very difficult to sew anything, ever.

But I'm getting a new one! Oh joy! All fancy and white (no suspicious cream colour for me!), I'll bet it even has a zipper attachment. I'm quite excited.

I've decided that my goal for the next two years is to eventually be able to sew my own clothes. So far I'm up to tote bags and hemming, but I'll get there! Just you wait and see!

I would also like to speak Japanese, I'm thinking that both of these will happen as I'm quite the passionate person when it comes to those sorts of things.

Well, I'm gonna go try and sleep now! Laters

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