Thursday, November 11, 2010

I'm just here, chillin' in ma jammies. What of it?

There's a repair guy or an electrician or something of that nature at my house fiddling with...electric-y stuff and it's like 6:30pm and I'm wondering what the hell is he doing here at this hour? Don't you people usually work from 9 till 5 or something? And it's not like he's fixing something of great importance either, he's installing an alarm system that won't go all loud and crazy if my dog is runnin' around with it on. How much are you being paid to be here?

And so I'm chillin' in my jambes and he walks past me and he's all "Aye, how're you doin'?" and I'm all like (in my head) "What the truck are you doing here? Can't you do this at some other time?" But in reality I just mumbled that I was good and scurried away to my hid hole. Creepy...

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