Wednesday, November 10, 2010

It's either that or I go back to stripping...*chirp chirp*

You know when you make a joke that you're not sure about and there are a few seconds of silence before anyone laughs?
Those seconds terrify me.

What if no one laughs? WHAT IF THEN, HUH?!

Nothing, that's what happens. It doesn't really terrify me, at all. I lied for dramatic effect (Ms. Mungavin would be so proud!). It was real dramatic, right? RIGHT?!

Okay! Anywho. When I make a joke, I pretty much blurt out whatever is on my mind in relation to whatever people are saying, which is usually quite riske, and I've noticed that with people I don't talk to much there is that second of nothingness and then comes the laughter, but with people I know better the few seconds of terror are now non-existent. My closer friends have realised what a strange person I am, finally.

This intrigues me because I now see how difficult it is for shy people to be humorous. Or just for shy people to be shy in general. I, of course, realised this before, but I feel like sharing. So my discovery is that shy people are just really self-conscious. Opposite to having high confidence? Low confidence --> Low self-confidence. Are you seeing the link? And I feel sorry for these people, because it is hard to put yourself out there and say something funny and hope that someone laughs and they don't just look at you like you have two heads. The issue is that these people aren't comfortable enough with being embarrassed.

Now, I can't really say much about being okay with being embarrassed because I would rather jump off a cliff than have people see me cry, but other than that I'm okay with people laughing at me rather than with me. About a week ago I fell over in the newsagents and the people working there laughed at me, I was like "whatevs" and posted it on Facebook to possibly brighten someone else's day with my clumsiness.

You shy people need to be okay with making a joke out of yourself, it keeps yourself and people around you happier. Jokes about yourself are usually the funniest ones, because it makes other people feel good about themselves. And it shows that you're comfortable enough with yourself to laugh with them.

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